• Immune System Boost: IV Vitamin C (only),
    100ml bag


  • Thyroid Stimulator: IV Selenium

  • IV Myers Cocktail:
    Includes Dexpenthenol (B-Complex), Calcium
    Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C),
    Methylcobalamine (B12)


  • Mood Enhancer: L-Taurine
    Great for treatment of depression. It is estimated that over 70% of those with
    depression have Taurine deficiency.


  • Hang Over Killer/Hydration Station:
    Dexpenthanol (B-Complex),
    Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C),
    Methylcobalamine (B12),
    500ml bag, can add a second 500ml bag if severely dehydrated for $30


  • Vitamin D3:
    Injections of Vitamin D3, 50,000u can be done after each IV. Vitamin D3 helps treat headaches, improves the immune system, decreases the risk of heart attacks and is essential for the formation of strong bones.


  • Immunity
    Jump start to fight viral and/or antibacterial infections, speed up recovery time from illnes, & fortify natural immunity


  • Relaxation Station
    Relaxes and soothes muscles, relases tension, & promotes calm and relaxed state of mind


  • Beauty
    Rehydrates skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, brighten & tighten skin


  • Lady in Red
    Helps reduce symptoms & discomfort associated with menstrual cycles


  • NAD+
    Beneficial for fatigue and brain fog, Increased energy and anti-aging


  • IV Chelation
    Removes lead/metals from body (must be done once a week for 30 weeks for optimal results)


  • IV Boosts
    Vitamin C, Zofran (for nausea), B-complex, Zinc, B-12 (Can be added to any IV as a push after IV drip or into IV bag)


  • Glutathione
    Can be added as a push